The Project has been developed on request of the investor Victory Marine d.o.o., Kandlerova no. 8, 52100 Pula, with the purpose to build a geotechnical solution of ACCUMULATION LAKE with the benefit for nature and for the public welfare. The excavation Material will be partly used for the embankment of the reservoir and exploited for Quartz Sand. Conceptual solution it is defined that the lake is protected by a watertight geomembrane, min. accumulation of 282,887.19 m3 water. The reservoir is expected to fill up to a height of 6.0 m from the bottom, or 1.0 m below elevation the crown of the embankment. The Project has been developed in consideration of several assessments of certified Institutes and under the supervision and guidance Mr. Đuro Kolarić,đ. from the company of the INNVIVO d.o.o.
Note: The report is in Croatian language.
Further details of the Accumulation Lake can be found in our section Reports and “The Project”.